Oakland, CA
Latitude High School is an innovative educational institution dedicated to providing a unique and engaging learning experience for its students. Located in east Oakland, Latitude High School is known for its forward-thinking approach to education, emphasizing personalized learning, project-based learning, and interdisciplinary studies.
Oakland, CA
Noxhegalactica, a groundbreaking podcast, aimed to amplify the voices of those who are often overlooked by mainstream media. The hosts, driven by their passion for social justice and empathy, dedicated themselves to creating a platform where individuals from diverse backgrounds could share their experiences, perspectives, and insights.
Oakland, CA
Camino Program is a community based initiative dedicated to supporting the well-being and success of young migrant individuals who are transitioning into adulthood. Through mentorship, education and support, Camino aims to empower young migrant adults with the skills and resources they need to navigate the challenges of adulthood and achieve their personal and professional goals.